Having a sore throat is usually an indication that we’re not 100% healthy. You might feel like you’re “coming down with something” or “a bit under the weather”. It could be a sign that you’ve been working too hard, or partying too hard, or maybe burning the candle at both ends.
But what if you haven’t been doing any of these things and you regularly or continuously have a sore throat?
As someone who uses their voice a lot for work, it can be very worrying, tiring, and even cause anxiety if you’re constantly battling your own body simply so that you can do your work. While waking up with a sore throat could be down to something as simple as sleeping with your mouth open, there are a number of reasons why you could be suffering with this frustrating ailment.
If you have a sore throat and cannot cancel Public Speaking events, Gigs, or other Voice Work this warm up will help to keep your voice in working order. But this is not a quick-fix. If you regularly or consistently have a sore throat or vocal problems please contact a specialist like and Ear, Nose and Throat doctor (ENT) who will be able to rule out anything serious.
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In this article I will explain five reasons why you may be suffering consistently with a sore throat.

Allergies to natural substances like pollen, animals, or even foods and to chemical substances, including perfume, can cause your throat to become sore, and swollen, or dry and scratchy. If you notice that you tend to get a sore throat at certain times of the year, around certain animals or substances, or after eating certain foods it may be worth taking and allergy test.
Post-Nasal Drip
Post-nasal drip happens when excess mucus is present in the back of your throat. It may cause you to want to clear your throat frequently, spit or swallow excess mucus, and you may feel nauseous owing to having an excess of mucus on your stomach. Bad breath can also be a sign of post-nasal drip. Antihistamines or a nasal spray like Sudafed can help to dry out the mucus but may cause drowsiness.
Always seek medical advice before taking medicines.
Sluggish Lymphatic System
This could very easily be your issue if you have a lot of voicework jobs, speaking events, or are gigging a lot. Your lymphatic system is a vast network of vessels, glands, organs, and nodes that helps to fight infections and detox your body.
Poor diet, lack of exercise, and drinking more caffeine and/or alcohol can all contribute to a sluggish lymphatic system.
Along with other symptoms such as fatigue, itchy skin, cold hands and feet, constipation, among others. Simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can help to get your lymphatic system on the move again though it might take a few days for your throat to feel better.

If your throat is sore because you are dehydrated it will probably feel dry, scratchy, rough, or even itchy. Because you sleep for hours at a time, it’s not unusual to wake up feeling a little dehydrated. And ironically, dehydration causes tiredness.
If you haven’t got a virus or infection, other ways to check for dehydration is a dry mouth darker urine, increased thirst and dizziness. You may have only one or all of these symptoms.
To rehydrate water, water infused with lemon or apple, herbal teas and diluted fruit juices can help to start the rehydration process.
Drinking more fluids alone won’t cure a sore throat, but it will at least give it a chance to start the recovery phase.
If you don’t want to be running to the loo every 5 minutes, steaming is another very effective way to rehydrate your throat and will help your voice to sound smoother and less croaky.
If you suffer from rosacea or other heat intolerance you could try using a room humidifier or a direct steaming gadget like the Mini Handheld Steam Humidifier or the more economical Medisure Steam Inhaler Cup.
Poor Vocal Technique
Using your voice in the wrong way regularly, especially in situations where there is lots of noise, such as shouting and cheering at a sports event, singing along at a gig, or raising your voice so that you can be heard, or even speaking at normal volume for longer than usual, even for short periods of time, can cause damage to your voice and cause you to have a sore throat. As your vocal cords don’t have
nerve endings it is not always obvious to the untrained ear that you have vocal damage. Long term or severe vocal damage can dramatically change the way your voice sounds and even your ability to use your voice, even for normal speaking. If you do any type of voice work I highly recommend that you take some form of voice training. You can take an online course such as my Voice Projection Launchpad**. If you prefer to training directly with a voice coach please book your free Vocal Assessment directly with me.
Over To You
Long-term soreness in your throat could be a sign of something more serious. If your throat is sore for more than a few days, or after recovering from a cold or flu it’s best to see your GP or an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist. They will be able to examine you thoroughly and refer you to the right specialists if necessary.
Most of the time, your sore throat will be down to something simple so always look at your lifestyle before Googling your symptoms and convincing yourself you have a serious illness.
More often than not, less caffeine, more water, and a more sleep will help to cure your sore throat.
Stay hydrated ❤️
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**These products are my Intellectual Property. I earn from each purchase.
This article is for informational purposes only and should in no way be considered medical advice. Always seek medical help if you are worried about your health in any way.